Don Siegel, Last of the Independents


This doc. shows a long interview with B.picture director Donald Siegel who by collaborating with Clint Eastwood became an important director of action movies. In 1979 he was directing “Rough Cut “starring Burt Reynolds, but it was a difficult shoot, because Siegel ran into trouble with producer David Merrick.

This doc. shows location work in Holland and the interview with a cynical Siegel in his house in Sherman Oaks. Again Thys Ockersen struck gold because nobody had ever sat down with Siegel to do such a long interview. It`s the only one and it`s rare. There are also short interviews with Clint Eastwood, Burt Reynolds and Sheree North in the doc. It runs 52 minutes.

Fragment uit Don Siegel, Last of the Independents.