Sam Fuller & The Big Red One


In 1978  Sam Fuller , director of  classic pics like “Pick up on South Street”, “Shock Corridor” and “Run of the Arrow” finally got the finance  to direct his dream project: “The Big Red One”  in Israel.

Thys Ockersen followed him to Israel for a short time to make his doc. and talks to Fuller, Marvin, and Hamill. After so many years this doc. gives a unique insight how Fuller directs his war picture. It`s probably the only doc. where you can see Sam Fuller at work. The doc. runs 75 minutes.

Lee Marvin starred as the old time sergeant and Mark Hamill was one of the young GI's. The story of the first infantry division, the Big Red One, was the invasion of Normandy, Alexandria, and Sicily. An autobiographical movie by Fuller who went to war to write about it.

Samuel Fuller & The Big Red One.